
Welcome to Door County Botanicals. Our farm stand is open mid-May through mid-October and located at:

4281 Cottage Row, Fish Creek WI 54212

We offer dried and fresh bouquets, sachets and fresh produce from the garden. All lavender sold is grown on the property. We keep all products as close to the plant as possible. Our focus is on unrefined beauty!

The fields are not open to the public.

On our blog you will find information about the farm, the history of how we came to where we are today, how we grow lavender, and how to grow and use lavender yourself.

The whole experiment started after we visited a couple of lavender farms. The uniformity of the rows, the neatness and the smell of sweet perfume relaxed us and made us want a small piece of lavender heaven for ourselves. When we moved to Door County WI and purchased a 50 acre piece of land the dream was set in motion.

Enjoy reading about our adventures, please visit our farm stand and leave us a message. We always love hearing thoughts from people.


Tom and Bonnie